This little dog spends most of his time collecting sticks for his best friend, the turtle

World of Animals

We are mostly under the impression that all animals only spend time with others of their own kind. This is true for the most part, but sometimes animals make friends with very different species and somehow use them.

Dogs and turtles, for example, are often thought of as two very different animals that have something in common. In fact, things are very different, with Tilly G and Skippy being the best examples.

Tilly G and Skippy have been best friends ever since they were adopted into the same large rescue pet family. They hang out with each other all the time, they like to sleep, have breakfast and sunbathe together.

They follow each other wherever they go, and they love to show love to each other, especially Skippy He expresses his love for his brother in various ways, such as kissing and patting his head, but his favorite way is to bring Tilly G his most valuable possessions, the sticks.

Skippy has a special way of presenting his best friend with his existing sticks, he dances around with a stick and then presents it at the end. The tortoise is usually less impressed by the show that Escape does for him.

“Tilly G and Skippy bonded the moment they met”
For some reason, they were immediately drawn to each other. The moment they met was like love at first sight. And now they are inseparable; it’s hard to say, you just have to look at it and see them together. The couple’s mother told The Dodo.

Skippy offers a variety of sticks to his best friend.
Each time, he brings a different kind of stick. Even the way he presents them changes according to the stick.

His mother said that whenever Skippy finds a stick in the yard, he goes to show it to Tully.

His mother said that Tallyji had nothing to do with Skip’s sticks. Tully will only be interested if it is a piece of collard green stick or Roman lettuce.

If it’s not food, he’s not interested, which is perfectly understandable.

It seems that Tully doesn’t appreciate sticks as much as his brothers do, but that will never stop Escape from collecting and presenting them. He loves his brother very much and is passionate about sticks, so for him, this is the ultimate way to show your love.

Tilly doesn’t seem to appreciate sticks because you can’t just eat them, he’s only interested in food gifts. He loves his brother very much, even though he doesn’t like his gifts, he likes to hang out with them and they constantly support each other.

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