The fisherman saves the bear cub. the next day the mother bear comes to thank him

Early in the summer of 1984, a fisherman spotted a bear cub that had fallen into the river. The little puppy was being swept away by the river.

The bear could not resist the current of the river. Without hesitation, the fisherman went into the fast-flowing river and brought the bear cub to shore.

Fortunately, the fisherman manages to save the bear cub. Thinking that this story was over, the fisherman went home. However, the next day the mother bear comes to the fisherman and brings a gift with her.

According to the fisherman’s recollections, the bear cub apparently stood upstream and tried to catch a fish, but then could not resist and fell into the river.

Standing on the hard bank, the bear cub immediately ran into the bushes, and the fisherman shrugged and collected his provisions.

The next morning he returned to roughly the same spot, but a few hours later he felt someone’s eyes on him.
The man turned his head and saw a big bear a few steps away.

He still didn’t understand how to react when suddenly he saw a whole mountain of fish near the mother bear’s paws.
After standing for a while, the bear shook its head and left, leaving the prey as thanks for saving the cub.
Apparently, wild animals are much smarter than people think. At least their feeling of gratitude is not alien.

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