The dog is so sweet ❤
Love the colour of this dog not a pure bred Labrador 💖
The beautiful dog seems to be full of love. His owners are extremely fortunate!!!
From the moment they see his adorable smile and one-of-a-kind fur, no one can help but fall in love with this special and adorable pup!
Blaze, a 10-year-old labrador, lives a happy, healthy life with a loving family. He used to have a jet-black coat, but last year he was [di.agn.osed] with [vitiligo], a rare []!
Because of his rare condition, he has a distinct and eye-catching appearance!
What a gorgeous dog!! ❤
[Vit.iligo] is an autoimmune [] that causes skin pigmentation It began with a white spot on his ear, but it quickly grew and multiplied. Because [vit.iligo] is not dan.ger.ous and only affects skin pigmentation, Blaze is as happy and healthy as ever!
Blaze enjoys going on adventures around his home in Finland and is content to be both black and white fur. It draws a lot of attention to him!
Absolutely adorable! 💕😍🤩
Blaze quickly rose to prominence due to his one-of-a-kind and stunning coat. He now has his own Instagram account, and people are constantly praising him.
Blaze’s gorgeous multicolored coat and sweet personality are well-liked. He is a wonderful young man!
Blaze deserves all of the love and attention he is receiving! What a gorgeous creature!
Just love the markings, glad he’s perfectly happy and healthy. 🤩😍😍
Amazingly unique, they forgot the back half, lol. Love his happy face & smile. 🐾❤️😍
Love his markings he very handsome! ❤️🐾🌹
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